Annie Yoder | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 78: brand culture feeds the bottom line of business

Establishing and promoting a company’s culture begins with your leadership team and their ability to set the example they want others throughout the business to follow. On this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, Annie Yoder and Mike Taylor join Dave to talk about the Rea culture and how communication and leadership’s ability to live … Continued

episode 30: don’t just hire; build leaders for a lifetime

This week on unsuitable on Rea Radio we learn why business leaders should approach recruitment and staff development from a whole new perspective if they want to harness and optimize their company’s most valuable asset – people. On episode 30, Don’t Just Make A Hire, Build Leaders For A Lifetime, Annie Yoder, a principal with … Continued

Episode 3: Trust Is Not An Internal Control

Don’t Let Fraud Get The Best Of Your Business When it comes to protecting your business or nonprofit organization, you can never be too careful. We don’t just say the phrase: “Trust is not an Internal Control” — we believe it. Scroll through this page to find a wide variety of helpful information, such as … Continued